Positional Parameters

In Bash, positional parameters are special variables that hold the arguments passed to a script or function. The positional parameters are numbered from 0 to 9, where $0 holds the name of the script or function, and $1 through $9 hold the first through ninth arguments, respectively.

$@ and $* both hold all the arguments passed to the script. Note that $@ is an array-like variable that holds all the positional parameters as separate elements, while $* is another variable that holds all the positional parameters as a single string.

Here’s an example:



echo "Script Name: $0"
echo "First Arg: $1"
echo "Second Arg: $2"
echo "All args (arr): $@"
echo "All args (str): $*"

Now let’s run the script with three arguments:

chmod u+x ./script # Grant execution privilege for user

./script a b c

The output should be something like this:

Script Name: ./script.sh
First Arg: a
Second Arg: b
All args (arr): a b c
All args (str): a b c