Coding along with the book Wicked Cool Shell Scripts- 101 Scripts for Linux, OS X, and UNIX Systems.
This is the script from Page 11:
1 |
Positional parameters
See here
A Quick Word
It is good practice to put double quotes around variables in Bash because it prevents word splitting and globbing.
Word splitting is the process of breaking up a string into separate words based on whitespace. If a variable contains spaces, without quotes, Bash will treat each space-separated word as a separate argument. This can cause unexpected behavior if the variable is used as an argument to a command.
Globbing is the process of expanding wildcard characters such as
into a list of matching filenames. If a variable contains a glob character, without quotes, Bash will try to expand it into a list of matching filenames. This can also cause unexpected behavior if the variable is used as an argument to a command.By putting double quotes around variables, Bash treats the variable as a single argument, preserving any whitespace or glob characters within the variable. This helps to ensure that the variable is interpreted correctly and the script behaves as expected.
Special variables
The internal field separator (IFS) is a special variable in Bash that specifies the delimiter used to separate fields in a string. By default, the IFS is set to whitespace (i.e., space, tab, and newline characters).
Display the return values of functions.
1 | echo $? |
You can use it immediately after calling a function with return value.
[ "${var:0:1}" = "/" ];
The slicing starts at index 0
and lasts for the duration of a single character.
String comparison
tests if two strings are equal. For example, if [ "$string1" = "$string2" ]
would be true if $string1
and $string2
have the same value.
Pattern matching
tests if a string matches a pattern using globbing, which is a way to match filenames based on wildcard characters. For example, if [[ "$string" == a* ]]
would be true if $string
starts with the letter “a”.