A late addition to the stack, but by all accounts no less authentic. This is a real account of what transpired in Shanghai during the great lockdown. I, for one, was away at the time, locked up at school in a different city. Nonetheless, ripples of the cataclysmic effects had reached me in that northern coast-lined city, sending waves of shock and grief, piercing my heart like daggers.
My mom’s account of those three months is a testament to her talent with words and positive outlook on life in general. She describes the despair and hopelessness that consumed many during that time, but also the resilience and strength of the human spirit. Her words paint a vivid picture of what life was like during the lockdown, and the following account is for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of this human experience.
微信群每天都有几百上千条信息:朝阳群众雪亮的双眼把偷溜下楼的人拍照发群,让其 “见光死”,果然后面几天下楼溜达的人几乎绝迹;把各区发放的食品发群,让群众们点评到底哪个区更“豪横”?将各种荒唐离谱的防疫搞笑视频发群,对其极尽调侃之能事;最重要的是,街道居委的各类通知也由楼组长发布在群里,实施无漏洞的网格化管理。每天每日每个楼洞排着队整齐划一去做核酸检测,真乃“威武之师”也!
On April 8th, 2022, it was the eleventh day of being confined at home in Shanghai due to the pandemic. Every day, there were hundreds or even thousands of messages in our WeChat groups. Some groups had photos of people sneaking out of their homes, which were then shared to shame them. This resulted in fewer people sneaking out in the following days. Other groups shared information about food distribution in different districts, and we would compare which district had better supplies. There were also many funny videos related to the pandemic that were shared, which made us laugh and helped to relieve some of the stress.
As the days went by, our food supplies began to dwindle. The funny videos and discussions about current events became less frequent in the groups, and were replaced by various group-buying options. Everything from rice, noodles, oil, vegetables, fruits, to baby formula and diapers were available. At this time, nothing was more important than having a bucket of oil and a box of eggs. Some lucky people would show off the food they had managed to buy from various apps, and even a simple piece of cake would make us drool.
That night, I downloaded four food delivery apps on my phone: Meituan, Dingdong Maicai, MissFresh, and Hema. I checked Meituan first, but my neighborhood was not within their delivery range. Then I tried MissFresh, but many items were out of stock. I finally found eggs, but they were priced at 29.8 yuan for a pack of 10. When I tried to purchase them, I found out that I still needed to compete with others at 6am to place my order. I felt relieved that I didn’t have to buy them and deleted them from my cart. Dingdong Maicai and Hema also required me to compete with others at 6am to place my order, and the prices were generally high with no guarantee of quality. I decided to give up on them altogether.
Looking back at my situation, I realized that we still had enough food to eat, and we wouldn’t go hungry. This was thanks to my good habit of regularly checking our food supplies and stocking up on a three-month supply when we were running low. During the Wuhan pandemic in 2020, I was afraid of the virus and didn’t leave my home for almost two weeks. All of our supplies were ordered online and we had extra just in case. Now, it’s clear that preparing ahead of time and stocking up on food is necessary.
Currently, my elderly parents are healthy and living in their hometown, and they are self-sufficient and don’t require any assistance from their children. My son is away at university, working hard towards his goals, and my family members who live abroad are doing well. With no worries, my husband and I are enjoying our time at home during the lockdown. I cook and budget carefully, while my husband writes poetry and enjoys his hobbies. Although we are confined to our home, it’s not boring and we find joy in simple things.
We hope that the pandemic will soon be over, and that we can be reunited with our loved ones. We also hope that Shanghai can once again thrive and shine like the Oriental Pearl it is.